Sunday, February 21, 2010

Sunday, Bloody Sunday

I'll be the first to admit that after a solid start, I kind of dropped the ball. But fear not true believers - I have tackled the Facebook beast and have friended and fanned furiously to catch up and get current. I'll save you the mundane friending (not that you are mundane, oh new friends that have stumbled onto this blog) and hit the high-(low?)-lights.

But before I do, I have to say that one week in and my profile page is starting to get useless - who knew that becoming a fan of proud Irish folk would result in dozens of You Tube links to Celtic-punk skaa mash ups?? Who knew there were dozens of these things out there. Hmmmm... maybe I should start watching those and pick you all a good one. You deserve it.

No further delays, here you go:
  • Tuesday - I dropped my mom at the airport and had a chance to get on FB after coming home and the first suggestion?  Reconnect with my mom - send her a message.  Wha?  Come on, I just dropped her off twenty minutes ago.  I, of course, complied.  I'm sure she appreciated the message about the uneventful drive home.
  • Twice this week, I've been tasked with Facebook's job - suggest friends for some of my current friends.  Now don't get me wrong, if I catch Fiddler on the Roof on PBS, I'll stop and watch, but I really don't want to be a match maker for every one of the people I'm friending lately.  I also don't want to have Matchmaker in my head all day, but I believe I now will.  "Find me a find, catch me a catch . . ."
  • I just fanned something called Whiskey Revival.  I have no idea what that is.  I hope it gets along with the Department of Justice because they'll now be sharing posting space on my wall.
  • Someone Facebook told me to friend last week denied my request (all together, "awwwww.") - how do I know this?  Because Facebook told me to friend them again tonight!  "I don't think he likes me Facebook."  "Nonsense, whether you want to crack a nut or friend someone you barely talked to in high school, the key is persistence!"
  • Finally, you haven't experienced Facebook until your perusing your friend list trying to find some friends for your mom.  
"Matchmaker, Matchmaker - Look through your book, And make me a perfect match"

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